Performance, Metrics and Compliance

Performance, Metrics and Compliance

Vistra is committed to verifying compliance conformity and evaluating the safety management system’s performance effectiveness to determine our progress toward Best Defense.

Vistra develop and maintains an incident database and scoring matrices to help us with predictive performance measures or leading indicators. For example, we collect contributing and causal factor information about all incidents. An integral part of this effort is the proper creation, use, and storage of safety and health records. Continual monitoring and analysis of the data identifies positive and negative trends or issues. The system highlights incidents to the appropriate management levels and generates regular reports of key performance indicators. The leading and lagging indicators are shared with managers, and they ensure the performance of their groups are addressed.

Vistra also conducts regular audits and assessments at each location to measure the level of compliance with the Safety Management System and standards. These audits identify gaps or systemic issues and assist the organization and sites with addressing them. Vistra’s Corporate Compliance Team conducts quarterly reviews on corporate safety and health policy, management system, standards, guidelines, and processes to ensure they continue to reflect sound practices and meet the company’s high standards.

Link to Incident Tracking: Tableau

Link to Incident Entry System: Archer


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